Check out information from our Parent Handbook.
Age groupings are generally based on the child’s age as of September 1 of each new school year. Groupings are flexible and a child may be moved from one group to another to meet the child’s special needs. Each group intermingles freely throughout the school day according to the individual interests, needs, differences, and capabilities.
Members of our staff are active in various state, regional, and national professional associations that promote developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood settings. Members of our staff have also represented interests of young children in the area by serving on the Advisory Committee of the Child and Family Studies Department for the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Nursery Laboratory School, the Advisory Committee of the Child Care Department at the Lafayette Regional TechnicalInstitute, and the State of Louisiana Committee on Licensing of Child Care Facilities and Child Placing Agencies.
We take an active part in keeping in touch with the latest advancements in the field of child development by participating in a continuous program of in-service education and studies for professional advancement. Staff members are certified in CPR by the American Red Cross and in Pediatric First Aid by the American Heart Association.
Sarah’s Day Care Center, Inc. will not discriminate against any child or parent based on race, color, creed, sex, national origin, handicapping condition or ancestry.
All we expect of children is that they come to school, be themselves, and have respect for others. What we expect from parents and guardians is that you read this handbook and supplemental notes and newsletters that we will send you from time to time. Feel free to be a part of the school by offering suggestions, comments and constructive criticism. You are paying for a service and we want to be certain that you and your child are happy.
We appreciate your moral and financial support.
At our school you will see:
Yet, all the time the children are being continuously challenged by specific learning goals that are set for them.
The program we pursue is geared toward helping children develop habits of observation, questioning and listening. It gives them an awareness of their own feelings and of their right to express those feelings sometimes by channeling them into other means of expression. They learn that they are free to make choices and that as long as they stay within the limits of consideration for people and things, they do not always have to conform. Sarah’s open-ended program prepares children to utilize their intellectual and creative abilities in future learning tasks.
Tuition is payable in advance. The school depends on each month’s tuition to pay current expenses. Since many of our bills are payable at the beginning of the month, all fees are due prior to the month of attendance. Unless you have made other arrangements with the Director to split your payment on the 1st and the 15th please pay each month’s tuition on or before the first day of the month.
Annual registration fees are due for the school year that covers the period from September to May. In addition, there is an annual registration fee for those children who also enroll for the summer program.
No credit on tuition is given for scheduled school holidays, weather related school closings, and your own vacation periods.
Each child is enrolled for the entire school term or summer session. Two weeks prior notice or payment of two week’s tuition is due upon the child’s withdrawing from the program.
*No Child care Assistance accepted.
A child who has been found to have head lice will be excluded from group care until lice and all nits have been removed from the hair. We have a strict “NO NIT” policy. Inspection will be made by Sarah’s personnel prior to a child being readmitted. Literature concerning head lice is available from this center.
It is the policy of Sarah’s to discipline children, when necessary, by using “Time Out.” It is our desire to first use re-direction as a means of behavior management. However, we will use “time out” when necessary for a time not to exceed one minute for each year of the child’s age.
In addition, we adhere to the following discipline standards:
SCHOOL HOURS ARE 7:00 A.M. to 5:45 P.M.
Children who arrive before 7:30 A. M. will gather in Room 2 where they will be supervised by our early morning staff. At 7:30 teachers will report to each classroom and early arrivers will go with them to their respective classrooms. The morning program runs from 8:30 to 11:30. Please make every effort to have your child here by 9:00.
If you are aware that you will be late please call us. Because the school has no provision for care after 5:45, please be prompt.
There will be an overtime charge for children not picked up at their regular dismissal time. Consistent lateness after 5:45 P. M. can be cause to ask you to withdraw your child from Sarah’s. The late fee is $5.00 for each fifteen minutes or portions of fifteen minutes late.
Think of your child’s comfort and provide simple clothing that is free of complicated fasteners. Think of the messy art materials and other messy activities and provide clothing that is washable. Think of our playground and provide clothing that is sturdy. Provide sweaters and jackets on the first sunny days of fall. It is much easier to remove an unneeded item than to put on something you don’t have.
Think of your child’s comfort and provide long pants during cold months. Think of how you would feel playing outdoors in cold and windy weather. For your child’s own comfort provide suitable head covering when needed. We will take some time to play outside provided the temperature is above 40 degrees.
Finally, think of our collection of unlabeled, unclaimed clothing and label all outer garments, including hats.
If your child is prone to having toilet accidents it is a good idea to leave a complete extra set of clothing – including socks – at school. Remember to change the size of this clothing as your child grows and to change they type of clothing as the seasons change.
Your child’s health is a matter of major importance to all of us. Upon enrollment you are required to furnish with a record of your child’s immunization history. Louisiana Universal Certificate of Imunization is the only records that will be accepted.
Your child may be sent home if any symptoms of illness appear during the day. In such cases, we will try to isolate your child from the others in the group and you will be contacted.
We serve a morning and an afternoon snack. It is usually milk or fruit punch with 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin C and a bread product. Parents are welcome to send other nutritional snacks to be shared with their child’s class. We discourage sweets.
Occasionally your child will have the opportunity to cook or otherwise prepare special food at school for a snack or meal. A well-balanced and nourishing lunch is served daily in our kitchen. The daily menu is posted near the front desk. The weekly menu is posted on a bulletin board in the kitchen and in the hallway.
We do not serve breakfast. Please serve your child breakfast before arrival. We discourage bringing breakfast to school.
We are a Nut Free Facility will not allow nut products on the grounds.
If you would like to visit when you pick your child up or when arriving for school please try to park so that you will not impede traffic. Remember to hold your child’s hand when in the parking lot. It is extremely difficult to see a child from behind the wheel of a car. Also, drive slowly and with extreme care while on school property. Additionally, it is unsafe to leave your vehicle running while unattended.
We are licensed to handle 99 children each day distributed amongst the 5 classrooms in specific numbers. Therefore, we cannot automatically grant opportunities to make up for days lost as a result of absences. Please speak with the Director to make arrangements for make up days.
"As mandated reporters, all staff and owners shall report any suspected abuse or neglect of a child to the Louisiana Child Protection Statewide Hotline 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437);
An early learning center shall not delay the reporting of suspected abuse or neglect to the Child Protection Statewide Hotline.
An early learning center shall not require staff to report suspected abuse or neglect to the center or management prior to reporting it to the Child Protection Statewide Hotline," (Bulletin 137, Chapter 15, Part 1509, Section 1).
Student records are open only to the particular student’s teachers, the Director and assistants, an authorized employee of the State Licensing Agency, the Department of Health, and the child’s parents or legal guardians.
Children from time to time will be photographed, videotaped or audio taped in the context of classroom, playground or off-site activities for school use only. This usage could include pictures included on the website for Sarah’s Day Care Center, Inc.
During the warm months of the year children ages 3 years+ may participate in water activities on site. Onsite activities will be the use of wading pools or a water slide.
When you enroll your child in Sarah’s we assume the responsibility of giving assistance with special needs in relation to your child’s school adjustment, growth and development. We will be happy to arrange a conference to discuss your child’s progress upon your request. Parent education programs will be set up on any pertinent topic at the request of three or more parents.
Your child will be given maximum consideration as an individual. We will look after your child’s health and safety while he or she is at school and deliver a planned program geared to what we believe to be developmentally sound and educationally beneficial.
Sarah’s Day Care Center, Inc. is a child care facility operated at 218 N. Domingue Ave., Lafayette, Louisiana. The school is licensed by the State of Louisiana, Department of Education, Licensing Division, pursuant to Title 28, Part CLXI, Bulletin 137 of the Louisiana Administrative Code. If you have any questions about our school or if you have any unresolved licensing complaints please contact the above agency at P. O. Box 4249, Baton Rouge, LA 70821, call (225) 342-9905, or email at
Sarah’s operates as a Type I Child Care Center under the license number 176. Our license allows us to care for children between the ages of 18 months and 12 years old.